CollectionAstro Boy Oval-Shaped Watch

Astro Boy Oval-Shaped Watch
Item Name: Astro Boy Oval-Shaped Watch

Series: 80's series

Set: Not part of a set

Released As: Commercially available watch

Country: Japan

Manufacturer: Shin & Company

Year: Unsure

Other Info:
This Astro Boy watch is made of metal, and has an oval-shaped face. The watch face features Astro Boy, Dr. Elefun, Uran, and Daddy Walrus heads as markers for 12, 3, 6, and 9 respectively, with an atom right in the centre of the watch face.

The back of the watch has a picture of the globe with Astro Boy's head inscribed into it, along with the writing "People create pollution. People can stop it."

Other Pictures
Astro Boy Oval-Shaped Watch
Astro Boy Oval-Shaped Watch
Astro Boy Oval-Shaped Watch
Astro Boy Oval-Shaped Watch