CollectionWii Klik-On Candy Dispenser

Wii Klik-On Candy Dispenser
Item Name: Wii Klik-On Candy Dispenser

Game Title: No game

Set: 1 from a set of 4

Released As: Commercially available candy dispenser

Country: USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, New Zealand

Manufacturer: Au'some

Year: 2008

Other Info:
The top of the Wiimote slides open to reveal a small slot where the included candy can be loaded into. Once loaded, the candy will then shoot out of the dispenser when the 'B' button is pressed. There's also an area on the underside of the controller where the 'spare' candies can be stored.

Originally available only in a white coloured Wiimote, these came in three different packaging variations with blue, pink, or grey title text (this is the pink variation). They were then later re-released with different coloured Wii Remotes being added to the set. Those were:-
- Black (commemorating the launch of the black Wii console)
- Blue
- Pink

Each of the coloured Wiimotes also came in the same packaging variations of blue, pink, or grey title text, as mentioned above.

Manufactured by Au'some and distributed in Australia by Candy Brokers.

Other Pictures
Wii Klik-On Candy Dispenser
Wii Klik-On Candy Dispenser